Art Quilts On Display

Wolffberg Arch

The Premier of the 2018 World Quilt Competition XXI

Manchester, New Hampshire

World Quilt New England

Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza, Oaks-Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania

Pacific International Quilt Festival

Santa Clare-San Francisco Bay Area, California

World Quilt Florida

Clanwilliam Museum August 2019

The Story

We are currently living in the beautiful Cederberg Mountains. This is my artistic view of one of the most beautiful rock formations.

It is a 8 hour hike but absolutely worth it.

My beautiful country SOUTH AFRICA

Art Quilts On Display



Desmond Tutu is widely regarded as “South Africa’s moral conscience”[25] and has been described by former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela as “sometimes strident, often tender, never afraid and seldom without humor, Desmond Tutu’s voice will always be the voice of the voiceless.


Machine embroidery, Hand embroidery, hand painted, open applique, recycled tapestries,

Machine quilted


I hereby declare that TUTU is my own and original work and design


I find it inspirational that there are still people who ‘s got the energy to stand up speek for all those who do not  have  the power to do it for themselves.

It is with sadness to learn from his passing over today 26 December 2021

[25] Wikipedia Desmond Tutu

Art Quilts On Display

Mystic River in progress

Art Quilts On Display

Midnight Traveler

Exhibited at:

World Quilt New England

Manchester, New Hampshire

The Premier of the 2018 World Quilt Competition XXI

Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza, Oaks-Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania

Pacific International Quilt Festival

Santa Clare-San Francisco Bay Area, California

World Quilt Florida

Hilton Art Festival 2015

The Story

This is for everyone who is feeling at that alone and empty space in their life. Look back into your memories and take the good ones, pack it in your suitcase and start travelling with them.

You will came out a better person on the next station

Hand painted, hand embroided, applique and machine quilted

Art Quilts On Display


Size 80 x 80

The Story

In the beginning……..

And Eve was created from Adam’s rib.

Not from his feet to be below him

Not from his head to be above him


From his rib to be beside him, to help and support him.

Machine quilted, hand painted, fabric weaving, machine embroided

Art Quilts On Display


Sixe 100 x 80

The Story

My first still life chalenge. Roy and me started with the same painting and do with is what we want. This is my edition to the challenge.

Quilting can be so much fun

Art Quilts On Display

The Beginning

My very first art quilt

In this quilt Roy Starke teach me the different method’s that he uses in his work. It was a huge learning curve.

machine quilted, hand embroided, fabric weaving, machine embroidery, hand painting, applique,

On Display

Enid – Portrait by Roy Starke

Size 80 x 80

As I was busy creating my family Roy decided to do a portrait of me in the same style.
I am very proud to have my family “quilted”

Art Quilts On Display

Burnt Forest

Size 199 x 166

World Quilt New England
The Premier of the 2013 World Quilt Competition XXI
Manchester, New Hampshire
Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza, Oaks-Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania
Pacific International Quilt Festival
Santa Clare-San Francisco Bay Area, California
World Quilt Florida
Clanwilliam Museum August 2019
Hilton Art Festival 2015

The Story
There is always life after death.
After the big fires in the Cederberg everything was black and destroyed – but only for a short while.
Quickly the new fresh green trees and shrubs was appearing and the most beautiful flowers and trees appear.
In life it is the same – There is always something better waiting to happen after a setback.

Machine quilted, hand painted, machine embroided, applique, hand embroided

Art Quilts On Display

Burning Desires

Size 142 x 143
World Quilt New England
The Premier of the 2018 World Quilt Competition XXI
Manchester, New Hampshire
Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza, Oaks-Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania
Pacific International Quilt Festival
Santa Clare-San Francisco Bay Area, California
World Quilt Florida
Clanwilliam Museum August 2019
Hilton Art Festival 2015 and SA National Quilt Festival Bloemfontein 2013

The Story

In every one’s life there is always something we want to run away from. This quilt
Is about a girl who is trying to run away but the arms of temptation keep pulling
her back.

Machine quilted, machine embroided , applique, hand painted,